2023 Resolutions

Resolution 2023-01 Designation of TD Bank as Depository Adopted 01/03/2023
Resolution 2023-02 ZHB Member Appointment Adopted 01/03/2023
Resolution 2023-03 Disposition of Tax Records Adopted 01/09/2023
Resolution 2023-04 Acceptance of Deed and Ultimate Right-of-way Along Old Schuylkill Road Adopted 02/13/2023
Resolution 2023-05 Chester County Municiple Grant Resolution Adopted 02/13/2023
Resolution 2023-06 90-Day Extension to Complete Resolution 2022-21 Adopted 02/13/2023
Resolution 2023-07 Hallman Land Acquisition Adopted 03/13/2023
Resolution 2023-08 Establishment of an Ad Hoc Steering Committee Adopted 04/10/2023
Resolution 2023-09 Approval of Traffic Signal for New Schuylkill Road and Peterman Road Adopted 04/10/23
Resolution 2023-10 Addition of 906 and 954 Schoolhouse Rd. to the Agricultural Security Area Adopted 05/08/2023
Resolution 2023-11 1200 Ellis Woods Road Conservation Easement Expenditure of Open Space Funds Adopted 07/10/2023
Resolution 2023-12 921 Schoolhouse Road Aquisition Expenditure of Open Space Funds Adopted 07/10/2023
Resolution 2023-13 Recognizing Kathryn Alexis for Her Service to the Township Adopted 08/14/2023
Resolution 2023-14 Recognizing William Moore for His Service to the Township Adopted 08/14/2023
Resolution 2023-15 Awarding Bid to PA American Water for the Sale of the Wastewater System Adopted 08/14/2023
Resolution 2023-16 Approving and Authorizing Participating Members of the Ridge Fire Company No. 1 to Participate in Certain Operational Support Activities as Designated in the Pennsylvania Workers' Compensation Act as Modified by Act 108 of 2020 Adopted 09/11/2023
Resolution 2023-17 Resolution Appointing Mike Schram to Fill the Vacant Zoning Hearing Board Position With a Term Ending December 31, 2026
Resolution 2023-18 A Resolution for the Sewage Facilities Planning Module for 527 Bethel Church Road Subdivision.
Resolution 2023-19 A Resolution Recognizing, Acknowledging, and Thanking Walter Woessner Jr. for his Service on the Township Planning Commission
Resolution 2023-20 A Resolution in Support of Participation in the Pottstown Area Regional Recreational (PARRC) Program
Resolution 2023-21 A Resolution Authorizing the Submission of a Grant Application for the 2023 Round of the Commonwealth Financing Authority's Local Share Account Statewide Program
Resolution 2023-22 A Resolution of the Townships of North Coventry and East Coventry Authorizing the Execution of an Intergovernmental Cooperation Agreement for the Construction, Use, and Maintenance of a Walking Trail
Resolution 2023-23 A Resolution Granting Conditional Approval of a Preliminary Subdivision and Land Development Plan Subdivision and Land Development Plan Submitted by Artisan Construction Group, LLC for the Property Located at the Addresses of 200, 225 and 375 Fricks Lock Road, 2099 New Schuylkill Road, and 520 Sanatoga Road
Resolution 2023-24 A Resolution Adopting the Final Budget
Resolution 2023-25 A Resolution Levying for the Year 2024 an Annual Township Tax at the Rate of 3.0 Mills Upon All Real Property Within East Coventry Township Made Taxable for General Township Purposes
Resolution 2023-26 A Resolution Establishing the Pay and Classification Plan of the Township for the Fiscal Year 2024
Resolution 2023-27 A Resolution Authorizing the Disposition of Tax Records and Receipts From 2021