2013 Resolutions

Resolution 2013-32 Adopted 12/9/13 - Yorgey Sewage Facilities Planning Module
Resolution 2013-31 Adopted 12/9/13 - PECO Green Regional Open Space Program Grant Application
Resolution 2013-30 Adopted 12/9/13 - Appointing Reinsel Kuntz and Lesher, LLP for 2013 Audit
Resolution 2013-29 Adopted 12/9/13 - Transfer monies from General Fund to Benefit Escrow Fund
Resolution 2013-28 Adopted 12/9/13 - Establishing Pay Classification Plan for 2014
Resolution 2013-27 Adopted 12/9/13 - Set 2014 annual Township Tax rate of 3.0 mills
Resolution 2013-26 Adopted 12/9/13 - Approval of 2014 Budget
Resolution 2013-25 Adopted 11/11/13 - Approving policies for the Police Department Police and Procedure Manual
Resolution 2013-24 Adopted 10/14/13 - Acknowledging Patricia Morrison - CCATO Secretary
Resolution 2013-23 Adopted 10/14/13 - Budget appropriations
Resolution 2013-22 Adopted 9/9/13 - Acknowledging Eagle Scout, Andrew Less
Resolution 2013-21 Adopted 9/9/13 - Radiological Emergency Response Plan for incidents at Limerick Nuclear Station
Resolution 2013-20 Adopted 9/9/13 - Amending Township Fee Schedule
Resolution 2013-19 Adopted 8/12/13 - Disposition of records
Resolution 2013-18 Adopted 8/12/13 - Coventry Glen Acceptance of Roads and Right of Ways
Resolution 2013-17 Adopted - 8/12/13 - Coventry Glen Acceptance of Sanitary Sewer Facilities and Easements
Resolution 2013-16 Adopted 7/8/13 - Seven year review of Agricultural Security Area
Resolution 2013-15 Adopted 6/10/13 - Amend Fee Schedule - Stormwater Management Plan Review
Resolution 2013-14 Adopted 5/13/13 - Disposition of records
Resolution 2013-13 Adopted 4/8/13 - DCNR Easement Grant
Resolution 2013-12 Adopted - 4/8/13 - Amend Employee Policy Manual
Resolution 2013-11 Adopted 3/11/13 - Woodcrest Estates Acceptance of Sanitary Sewer Facilities and Easements
Resolution 2013-10 Adopted 3/11/13 - Woodcrest Estates Roadways and Right of Ways
Resolution 2013-09 Adopted - 3/11/13- 2nd Amendment Preservation
Resolution 2013-08 Adopted 3/11/13 - Chester Cunty Municipal Grant Program application
Resolution 2013-07 Adopted - 2/11/13 - Approving policies for the Police Department Policy and Procedure Manual
Resolution 2013-06 Adopted 2/11/13 - Disposition of records
Resolution 2013-05 Adopted 1/14/13 - 279/287 Kulp Road Acceptance of Ultimate Right of Way
Resolution 2013-04 Adopted 1/14/13 - Disposition of records
Resolution 2013-03 Adopted 1/7/13 - Appointing Reinsel Kuntz Lesher,LLP for 2012 Audit
Resolution 2013-02 Adopted 1/7/13 - Bank Depository - National Penn Bank
Resolution 2013-01 Adopted 1/7/13 - Bank Depository - TD Bank