Resolution 2017-31 Adopted 12/11/17 Authorize 2018 PECO Green Region Applicaton
Resolution 2017-30 Adopted 12/11/17 Funds Transfer
Resolution 2017-29 Adopted 12/11/17 Disposition of Tax Records
Resolution 2017-28 Adopted 12/11/17 Pay Classification
Resolution 2017-27 Adopted 12/11/17 Establishment of Tax Rate
Resolution 2017-26 Adopted 12/11/17 Adopt 2018 FY Budget
Resolution 2017-25 Adopted 12/11/17 Appointment of Audit Firm
Resolution 2017-24 Adopted 11/13/17 Prohibit Ancillary Gambling Facilities
Resolution 2017-23 Adopted 11/13/17 Support of Circuit Trails
Resolution 2017-22 Adopted 08/16/17 Granting Approval Minor Subdivision (Lot Line Adj) Exelon-Fricks Lock Village
Resolution 2017-21 Adopted 08/14/17 Approve Expenditure & Transactional Exp Conservation, Trail Easement Taylor Property
Resolution 2017-20 Adopted 08/14/17 Accept Deed Dedication ROW Along Fricks Locks & Savage Rds
Resolution 2017-19 Adopted 08/14/17 Accept Deed Dedication ROW Along Old Schuylkill Fricks Locks
Resolution 2017-18 Adopted 08/02/17 Approval of Final Whispering Woods Subdivision Plan
Resolution 2017-17 Adopted 08/14/17 Approve Cond Use Cell Tower 92 Baptist Ch Rd
Resolution 2017-16 Adopted 06/12/17 PRC Open Space Plan
Resolution 2017-15 Adopted 05/08/17 Appoint Alternate Zoning Hearing Board Member
Resolution 2017-14 Adopted 04/10/17 Approve participation of Schuylkill River Trail-Fricks Lock Village Trailhead project
Resolution 2017-13 Adopted 03/13/17 Revision of Township Schedule of Fees & Costs
Resolution 2017-12 Adopted 03/13/17 Recognize, Acknowledge and Commend Karlie A Kasznay on Girl Scout Gold Award
Resolution 2017-11 Adopted 02/13/17 Establish procedures for Sale of Township-Owned Personal Property valued at less than $1000
Resolution 2017-10 Adopted 02/13/17 Disposition of Police Files - 1988 through 2011
Resolution 2017-09 Adopted 02/13/17 Accept Dedication of Trail Easement for Asphalt Walkways for New East Coventry Elementary School
Resolution 2017-08 Adopted 02/13/17 Accept Dedication of Trail Easement for Gravel / Pervious Paths for New East Coventry Elementary School
Resolution 2017-07 Adopted 02/13/17 Accept Declaration of Trail Easement for proprosed Future Trail for New East Coventry Elementary School
Resolution 2017-06 Adopted 02/13/17 - Accept Declaration of Emergency Access Easement for East Coventry Elementary School Land Development
Resolution 2017-05 Adopted 02/13/17 Accept Deed of Dedication of Ultimate Right-of-Way along Old Schuylkill Road for East Coventry Elementary School Land Development
Resolution 2017-04 Adopted 01/07/17 Appoint Reinsel Kuntz Lesher, LLP Certified Public Accountants
Resolution 2017-03 Adopted 01/03/17 Appoint members to Zoning Hearing Board
Resolution 2017-02 Adopted 01/03/17 Appoint BB&T as depository for Township funds
Resolution 2017-01 Adopted 01/03/17 Appoint TD Bank as depository for Township funds