Report a Concern

To report a problem (i.e., potholes, damaged signs, trees in the road) on State roads, Click Here to contact PennDOT's Customer Care Center. Emergencies on state roads should be reported via phone to 484-340-3200. To view State roads in East Coventry Township, Click Here
To report downed wires, contact PECO. The Public Works Department cannot remove downed wires or wires hanging on trees. 
To report animal carcasses on a State road, call PennDOT at 484-340-3200.
To report animal carcasses on a Township road, call the Pennsylvania Game Commission at 610-926-3136.
To report stray animals, contact Brandywine Valley SPCA West Chester at 484-302-0865.
To report a concern on the Schuylkill River Trail, contact Chester County Parks and Preservation at 610-344-5656.
To report a concern on County-owned bridges (on Halteman Road between Ellis Woods and Kulp Roads and on Old Schuylkill Road), call Chester County Facilities Department at 610-344-6220.
To report a complaint or concern regarding stormwater discharge or discharge into the sewer system, please contact the Township at 610-495-5443 Monday through Friday 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.  After hours and on weekends, Click Here
To report a violation or concern within the Township, complete a Violation/Complaint Form Click Here