Pottstown Metropolitan Regional Planning Committee Vacancy
East Coventry Township is seeking a volunteer for an upcoming vacancy on the Pottstown Metropolitan Regional Planning Committee. The Pottstown Metropolitan Regional Planning Committee is comprised of six Montgomery County and two Chester County municipalities. Its purpose is to ensure smarter growth in the region, better management of future development, and protection of the area’s unique historical, cultural, and natural amenities. More detailed information is available at the following link: https://pottstownmetroregion.com.
Interested candidates should be residents of East Coventry Township and available to meet in the evenings on the fourth Wednesday of the month. The Pottstown Metropolitan Regional Planning Committee term is one year.
Please submit an East Coventry Township Volunteer Position Application to Eugene Briggs at ebriggs@eastcoventry-pa.gov by Friday, November 29, 2024.
Uniform Construction Code Board of Appeals Vacancy
East Coventry Township is seeking a volunteer for an upcoming vacancy on its Uniform Construction Code Board of Appeals. The Uniform Construction Code Board of Appeals’ responsibilities include, but are not limited to, ruling on appeals from Code Official determinations, requests for variances, and requests for extensions of time relative to the Uniform Construction Code. More detailed information is available at the following link: https://eastcoventry-pa.gov/vertical/sites/%7BA2FA46C5-686F-4B16-8376-0BDF39FCC483%7D/uploads/Resolution_2022-05_-_UCC_Board_of_Appeals.pdf .
Interested candidates must have training and experience in building construction. This training and experience may consist of licensure as an architect or engineer, experience in the construction industry, inspector, or plan reviewer. The candidate must be flexible to meet in the evening as hearings are scheduled as needed. The Uniform Construction Code Board of Appeals terms are one year.
Please submit an East Coventry Township Volunteer Position Application to Eugene Briggs at ebriggs@eastcoventry-pa.gov by Friday, November 29, 2024.
Historical Commission Vacancies
East Coventry Township is seeking volunteers for several vacant positions on its Historical Commission. As an advisory body, the Historical Commission provides historical preservation information to residents and makes recommendations to the Board of Supervisors on the rehabilitation, preservation, adaptive reuse, restoration, and acquisition of significant historical structures and sites. More information is available at the following link: https://ecode360.com/31102607. Interested candidates must be residents of the Township and have availability on the evenings of the second Tuesday each month for regular business meetings. Regular Historical Commission terms are three years.
Please submit an East Coventry Township Volunteer Position Application (Volunteer Application) to Eugene Briggs at ebriggs@eastcoventry-pa.gov.