Planning and Zoning
Subdivision and Land Development
The Township Subdivision and Land Development Chapter (Chapter 22) provides for Township review of proposed subdivision and land development projects, as provided for in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania's Municipalities Planning Code (MPC). The Township Planning Commission conducts a thorough review of proposed projects with the assistance of the Township Solicitor, Engineer, Planner, and Zoning Officer. The Planning Commission then recommends or rejects the proposed plan for consideration of approval by the Board of Supervisors. The review process generally consists of three stages: sketch plan, preliminary plan, and final plan. Proposed subdivision and land development plans must receive both preliminary plan and final plan approvals. If you have Subdivision and Land Development questions, please contact the Township Engineer at 484-866-9669. Click Here to download the Township Code of Ordinances to view Chapter 22 Subdivision and Land Development.
The Township Zoning Chapter (Chapter 27) provides for orderly regulation of the lands and structures within the Township. The Zoning Chapter provides rules and regulations pertaining to all forms of building construction, uses for buildings, domestic animal and livestock regulations, etc. If you have Zoning questions or if you have already obtained a Zoning Permit and would like to schedule an inspection, please contact the Township Building Code Official at 610-723-7740. Click Here to download the Township Code of Ordinances to view Chapter 27 Zoning, including the Zoning Map.
Township Code Violation Complaints
To file a complaint regarding an alleged violation of the Township Code, please complete and deliver to the Township Manager a Violation/Complaint Form
Building Permits
The Township adopted the Uniform Construction Code, as required by Pennsylvania law. The Township adopted the 2006 International Building Code as its approved building code. Prior to commencing any building project, a Building Permit Application must be approved by the Township. Application forms are available at the Township Building or Click Here. If you have Building Permit questions or if you have already obtained a Building Permit and would like to schedule an inspection, please contact the Township Building Code Official at 610-723-7740.