2014 Resoloutions
Resolution 2014-20
Adopted 12/08/14 - Authorizing Supplemental Appropriations
Resolution 2014-19
Adopted 12/08/14 - Appointing Reinsel Kuntz Lesher, LLP as Certified Public Accountants
Resolution 2014-18
Adopted 12/08/14 - Approving 2015 Uniform & Non-Uniform Pay Rates
Resolution 2014-17
Adopted 12/08/14 - Approving 2015 Annual Township Tax Rates
Resolution 2014-16
Adopted 12/08/14 - Approving 2015 Budget
Resolution 2014-15
Adopted 09/08/14 - Approving Preliminary/Final Minor Subdivision
Resolution 2014-14
Adopted 09/08/14 - Acceptance of Ultimate Right-of-way
Resolution 2014-13
Adopted 08/11/14 - Appointment of Alternate Zoning Hearing Board Member
Resolution 2014-12
Adopted 08/11/14 - Appointment of Zoning Hearing Board Members
Resolution 2014-11
Adopted 06/09/14 - Approving Conservation Easement
Resolution 2014-10
Adopted 4/14/14 - Approving policies for the Police Department and Procedure Manual
Resolution 2014-09
Adopted 4/14 14 - Disposition of records
Resolution 2014-08
Adopted 4/14/14 - PennDot Automated Red Light Enforcement Program Funding Agreement
Resolution 2014-07
Adopted 3/10/14 - Acknowledging Eugene Briggs, Township Planner
Resolution 2014-06
Adopted 3/10/14 - Grant application - Ussler conservation and trail easement acquisition
Resolution 2014-05
Adopted 3/10/14 - Transfer monies from the General Fund to the Capital Reserve Fund
Resolution 2014-04
Adopted 3/10/14 - Establishing for 2014 the member contribution to the Municipal Pension Plan
Resolution 2014-03
Adopted 1/6/14 - Act 44 Compliance
Resolution 2014-02
Adopted 1/6/14 - Bank Depository - National Penn Bank
Resolution 2014-01
Adopted 1/6/14 - Bank Depository - TD Bank