2012 Resolutions
Resolution 2012-26
Adopted 12/10/12 - Approval of Glenn Kuszyk Preliminary/Final Lot Line Adjustment Plan
Resolution 2012-25
Adopted 12/10/12 - PECO Green Region Open Space Program
Resolution 2012-24
Adopted 12/10/12- Transfer monies from the General Fund to the Capital Reserve Fund
Resolution 2012-23
Adopted 12/10/12 - Transfer monies from the General Fund to the Benefit Escrow Fund
Resolution 2012-22
Adopted 12/10/12 - Establishing Pay Classification Plan for 2013
Resolution 2012-21
Adopted 12/10/12 - Set 2013 annual Township Tax rate of 3.0 mills
Resolution 2012-20
Adopted 12/10/12 - Approval of 2013 Budget
Resolution 2012-19
Adopted 11/12/12- Designating ambulance service
Resolution 2012-18
Adopted11/12/12- Recognizing and acknowledging Phyllis Snyder, Historical Commission
Resolution 2012-17
Adopted 10/29/12- Declaration of Disaster
Resolution 2012-16
Adopted 9/10/12- Approving polices for the Police Department Policy and Procedure Manual
Resolution 2012-15
Adopted 6/11/12- Recognize Eagle Scout Sean Alexis
Resolution 2012-14
Adopted 6/11/12- Berkey High Minor Subdivision - Acceptance of Ultimate Right of Ways
Resolution 2012-13
Adopted 6/11/12- Telvil - Ellis Woods Road Dedication of Ultimate Right of Way
Resolution 2012-12
Adopted - 6/11/12- Telvil - Creamery Road dedication of ultimate right-of-way
Resolution 2012-11
Adopted 6/11/12 - Recognizing and acknowledging Rugene Caldwell, Historical Commission
Resolution 2012-10
Adopted 4/10/12 - Northern Federation Parks, Recreation and Open Space Plan
Resolution 2012-09
Adopted 3/12/12 - Establishing tobacco free zones at Township parks and playgrounds
Resolution 2012-08
Adopted 2/13/12 - Issuance of a tax and revenue anticipation note
Resolution 2012-07
Adopted 2/13/12 - Appointing alternate members to the Zoning Hearing Board
Resolution 2012-06
Adopted 2/13/12 - Appointment members to the Zoning Hearing Board
Resolution 2012-05
Adopted 2/13/12 - Emergency Operations Plan
Resolution 2012-04
Adopted 1/9/12 - Condemnation of certain parcels or tracts of land having frontage on Maack Road
Resolution 2012-03
Adopted 1/9/12 - Disposition of records
Resolution 2012-02
Adopted 1/3/12 - Bank Depository - National Penn Bank
Resolution 2014-01
Adopted 1/3/12 - Bank Depository - TD Bank