Trash, Recycling, and Yard Waste Disposal

Each household or entity in the Township is required to have trash and recyclables collected at least once per week by a hauler of their choice Following is a list of local haulers. It may not include all haulers that operate within the Township:

Though each hauler has its own instructions on what materials to recycle and how to sort them, the hauler you select is to collect aluminum and bimetal cans, clear and colored glass, number 1, 2, 4 and 4 plastics and newsprint, including newspaper inserts, junk mail, magazines and telephone books. Please contact your hauler with any questions about recycling materials, sorting materials, and collection schedules.
Your contracted waste hauler is also required to provide leaf collection service at least two times per year. Haulers determine their own leaf pick-up dates and must inform their customers of those dates; however, Ordinance No. 193 requires that they pick up at least once in the Spring and once in the Fall each year. 

Leaf Waste Collection Information (Paper yard waste bags can be purchased at Home Depot, Lowes, and Ace Hardware) 

  • A.J. Blosenski - 5-yard waste bags per week per household.
  • Diamond Disposal - 2 yard waste bags per week per household.
  • Waste Management - Contact Hauler to find out the schedule for your location.
  • White Tail - Fridays - up to 3 yard waste bags.  

 Burning of leaves and yard waste is not permitted.

Municipal Waste Collection and Recycling Ordinance

Hazardous Waste

The County holds Household Hazardous Waste events throughout the year. Registration is required. The public can register through the Chester County Website. Please consider the environment and do not throw hazardous materials in your regular waste stream.
How to find Recycling and Disposal Information on the Chester County Solid Waste Authority's website Click Here.